a long-form supercut by Max Tohline
32 minutes
For the occasion of her April 2014 wedding, my sister asked me to put together a supercut of wedding and relationship clips from movies to play on a loop in a room adjacent to the reception for people (like me) who might like a break from the hubbub.
As soon as I started putting clips together, the project began to balloon well beyond what she wanted, taking a bizarre and at times curiously hybrid form. Though I ended up cutting it down for her actual wedding reception, I've chosen to upload my "director's cut" here to Vimeo. At times funny, at times touching, and at times encyclopedic, there's plenty here to enjoy and to reflect upon. I hope you'll watch it all.
The title refers at once to an ancient concept of marriage ("the two shall become one," thus 1 + 1 = 1) and a somewhat less ancient concept of film montage (that the cut will create a meaning beyond the meaning of the two shots by themselves, thus 1 + 1 = 3).
Thanks to Penny Lane for making The Voyagers (here), to György Pálfi for making Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen, and to Tim Dirks for his useful best-of lists at filmsite.org.
Titles listed at the end of the video.
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/92108543